The Rights Of Cogic Pastor

The Council of Pastor's & Elder's. Church Of God In Christ, Inc. Home; About Us. COGIC Home; 2020 SHEPHERD’S CONFERENCE AND ELDERS ACADEMY SEPTEMBER 4-5.

Administrative Assistant Superintendent Michael Eaddy, has been pastor of the People’s Church of the Harvest Church of God in Christ, Chicago, IL for the past 34 years. Superintendent Eaddy, received his formal undergraduate education in Business Administration and Theology, in the Chicago City Colleges & Moody Bible Institute respectively. He has successfully completed independent studies in business management, community development, as well as, continued education in religious studies through institutional workshops and conferences. Most recently Superintendent Eaddy received an honorary Doctorate in Divinity degree from St. Thomas Christian College & Seminary, in Jacksonville, FL.

Trust for its members subject to COGIC laws and that Bishop Hall is a duly appointed bishop with rights of pastor atthe church. Church of God in Christ, Inc.involved Bishop Hall’s efforts to assert control over Gospel Center Temple, another COGIC church assigned to THEJ. Hesucceededin that case. Our Supreme Court stated: “In light of our. Church of God In Christ (COGIC) leader Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr. Will not seek another term as presiding bishop and chief apostle at the next election. “I have made the decision to not seek re-election as a member of the general board or as presiding bishop,” he said to members of the denomination in a video news release. It must however begin with the Pastor, COGIC does not recognize the rights of a congregation as some reformations do. Even though the documents do not state it, they hold all transfers or withdrawal must be initiated by the Pastor. Send me an email for further discussion. In COGIC, only a Jurisdictional Bishop can appoint a pastor, the former General Counsel Enoch Perry III stated in court the bishop has the exclusive right to appoint the next pastor. Depending on your state law, and the character of your bishop, you would be treated as a sharecropper.

The Rights Of Cogic Pastor

Superintendent Eaddy continues in his commitment to reach young people and adults. Through his leadership, the People’s Church has offered before and after school care, tutoring, computer literacy, career counseling, summer youth employment, back-to-school grants, HIV AIDS awareness, drug abuse prevention & anti-violence activities. In addition, Superintendent Eaddy has provided programs and services to adults such as income tax preparation and rental assistance, emergency aid, information and referral services for destitute families, food distribution, financial literacy and offers utility bill payment assistance for seniors and disabled individuals.

Superintendent Eaddy, as Executive Director of the Peoples Community Development Association of Chicago, Inc offers an Ex-offender Re-entry program – Philemon Restoration Project (PRP), to provide job training and placement and life skills in Custodial and Building Maintenance & Computer Literacy. Since its inception, PRP has served 3000+ hard to employ individuals who lack marketable skills & those returning home from the Illinois Department of Corrections. Their training has provided them both employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. In addition, (PCDAC), in a co-development partnership with Lawndale Christian Development Corporation, has been awarded $13 million dollars in tax credits in the City of Chicago, to construct thirty-six (36) units of affordable rental housing on property owned by the CDC. The development is scheduled to begin construction in the summer of 2014. Currently, the ministries and programs under the jurisdiction of Superintendent Eaddy, impacts hundreds of persons annually, providing full & part-time employment positions, facilitates benefits to individuals, and has compelled hundreds to turn to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Superintendent Michael Eaddy has over the years, assumed many responsibilities within the Church of God in Christ as Jurisdictional Secretary, Public Relations Director, District Superintendent, Administrative Assistant & President of Scholastic Motivation Ministries for 24 years. Currently, he serves the international church as Chairman of the General Council of Pastors and Elders.

Cogic Pastors And Elders

He is married to Missionary Christine Eaddy, has 4 beautiful children and 8 grandchildren.

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